Sunday, June 22, 2008

my body clock is seriously screwed up lah.
on friday, i went to mel's house to do my work cos need to borrow her laptop. so i worked through the whole night and only slept at 6 plus when i reached home.
then i woke up at like 11 to prepare to go for work. sucked lah.. work starts at 5 and i have to go there at like 130 to bring new pple there. and im not even getting paid extra. GUESS WHAT. pple can be so irresponsible. just because they think that it's so damn early, they decided to be late and dont even call to tell us. making us look like a big loser waiting for like 1hr at orchard.

i was feeling so tired when work started but i was amazed at how i was able to memorise EVERY COURSE of the menu.. hahah cos i was like brain dead due to lack of sleep. then i think cos i so long never work already, my back and legs was aching like crap. then after the event, i had to carry all the centre pieces away and its SOOO heavy can. i carried like at least 8. then from then on, my mood became REALLY bad and i was using the f word, which i know i shouldn't be using but i really couldnt help it. i was supposed to end work at 1 but guess what. cos im such a hard working girl and i dont look at the time while working, i worked past 1 and by that time the transport would have already left and had to stay till 2.. that made my temper worse cos nobody even called for the 1am staff. SIGH.. what i get for being hardworking.

then when i could finally go home, there were so many pple on the same transport route that i reached home at 4am. was so tired on the van lah but couldnt sleep properly.. was half-awake and half-asleep. throughout the whole journey, both kairul and i were half-wake half asleep. then he keep leaning onto me, so i just shoved him away saying in that sleepy tone 'kai! you damn heavy lah' hahah and i kept knocking my head on the window. after we finally woke up, i couldnt sleep anymore but i kept disturbing him cos he still wanted to sleep.

reach home at 4 then still have to bathe and wash my hair so ended up sleeping at 530 and woke up with ABBY'S call at 1045. RUSHED out of the house in 5mins and made my way to TPYM. reached there late and couldn't call abby, or shaun. so being so helpless and unfamiliar with the environment, i just followed the sound of worship and went to their sanctuary. i thought it was the right one but could find anyone i knew then someone came up to me and asked if i was looking for shaun then brought me to where TPYM was having their service.

i like their service. like it's really for the youngsters and it is the same pple that take up roles to serve god, which in my church, you can easily hid from it cos there are always older pple who seem more capable of doing a better job.

then we had lunch and dawn met us and went back to church. then i started on my reports while most of the others had exco meeting. after all the meetings, and i had completed my reports, we( suzanne, abby, jacob, clement, shaun, ling hui , jolene and me) went to eat dinner. we went to FOOD ADDICT and we met bonnie and lawrence. actually the place is bonnie's sister's so not surprising to see bonnie there i guess. then law and bonnie are one family, extended family. hahah another explaination. hahah should be correct if i didnt hear wrongly. hahah DINNER WAS GREAT LAH.. realised how funny jolene is. she's very cute can and motherly. and it's a COMPLIMENT. really.

ohhh best part of dinner.

they decided to play a joke on me cos i ordered cake. i was wondering why the cake so long then i see shaun and law SNEAKILY hiding the cake. at first i thought it was meant for law's mum i think cos it's her birthday but we already sang her a song just now and she had her cake liao. so i thought maybe 2nd round or something

then they headed to our table then everyone STARED at me and started to sing a birthday song. i was like WHATTTTTTTT.. hhaha and they wanted me to play along with them lor. take photo happily like it's my birthday today.then still must cut the originally small cake into 8 pieces. OHH then i gave everyone one piece and suzanne ate the cake then suddenly she gave that damn shocked look and everybody looked like thay just remembered something. she's lactose-intolerant. kept asking her to spit it out but she didnt want to. she said she'll get a stomach ache when she takes things with milk... hope she's fine..

im tired of typing liao.. haha got ALOT more lor.. maybe tmr..

just a reminder for myself.
serving, is ultimately for God. you must know why you are doing it and even so, do it with a humble heart and all.
there is no such thing as a better role or what someone can take in church
whether you are the one wiping the floor after service or the speaker, they are each serving God in their own ways.

it is only through this where we all function as various parts, that we form a body with a head that is led by Christ
- Shaun tan. :)

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