Saturday, June 21, 2008

IM SO TIRED.. my body is and my eyes are. and im hungry...

i still need to finish my stupid reports. im not even done with one yet.. GOSH.. kill me.. then i got work also tmr... wa lao. i super dont want to go lor.. whole day call me to go work.. i mean i want to money but its really nerve wreaking to go work when you know you got project due and you're not even done with those yet.. i totally don't need to sleep lor.. then tmr suppose to start work at 5 but they freaking want me to be there by 1.30 an i need 2 hours to prepare to get out of the house so meaning i need to be awake by like 11am.. i super can don't need to sleep lor cos once i sleep confirm cannot wake up one. then working til 1 am then got church the next day.. anyway this week not going to my church.. going to tp.. then can see CONNECT CAMP FRIENDS!!! hahah ABBBBBBYYY.. hahah totally miss them.. then shaun can help me to insert some random graphs into my report so that it looks like got more substance.. HAHAAH good impression at least.. hahah

at mel's house and she's sleeping like a PIG.. hahah anyway she ought to since it's official 'sleeping time' but she told me to wake her at 12.45 lor... and she didnt want to wake up. hahahah pigpigpigpig

i realised that i know alot of pple but i always find it hard to continue talking to them.. then end up being so distant...

OH WELLS. i should get back to work..
ouch my butt and back hurts from sitting to long


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