Saturday, June 14, 2008

i NEED to declare this!!!!


God answered so many many of my problems i had before i went to the camp..

  1. had some friends problem in my class previously and GOD PUT 3 OTHER AMAZING GIRLS IN MY GROUP.. so much in common with them.. it's like every thing that we randomly talk about, some of us ever experience the some thing before also or like we TOTALLY can relate to it. had great, deep heart to heart talk with every one of them.

  2. was thinking how i cannot find anyone to talk to about in school who can give me advice or listen to me and keep reminding me of God but i met 2 seniors(shaun and wan zhen) in the camp of HTM course also and in tp.. hahah and had a great and loooooong talk with shaun just now.

  3. about my recent idea of not letting our cell group continue being in cliques and encouraging pple to take an extra step to know other pple, God showed me the big difference if our church was not in cliques.. and it is really amazing

  4. i haven't actually been listening to sermons much.. more like not paying attention and God brought such a wonderful speaker to speak at the camp, letting me bring back alot with me and think alot about what holy communion really meant, which more often than not i just do for the sake of doing.

  5. i have been praying alot for the right guy that is meant for me to appear but i 'didn't prepare for it' but through this camp, a particular workshop, 'how far can we go' really make me think about and 'prepare' for a relationship and what i should look for in a guy.

  6. i've had money problems cos food in singapore is really TOO ex but in this camp i realised that BPMC chinese side probably received the largest subsidy but ate the same as everyone else and the food WAS JUST GREAT

  7. i actually had some feelings like many pple dislike me but at this camp i realised that many pple accepted me for who i was even though im like really noisy. hahah and i learnt that i can actually have alot patience when pple make fun of me so i just hope i can have the same patience with my family since we are living together but it's already so hard now.. the moment i see my mum conflict arises again

i really made alot of friends from this camp, and i think i grew spiritually too.. i just pray that i can continue growing spiritually even though the camp ended and can maintain these friendships

anyway i gained a nickname '5 strips' due to a game we play. 'harry & mary' game. ok so this is how the game goes.. all the guys are called harry and all the girls are called mary. let's say you point to a guy, and say 'hi harry'. that guy's suppose to reply 'yes mary' to me. then i'll point to another person and say 'tell that to harry/mary'

SOUNDS EASY RIGHT?? but if you say/reply wrongly, you get a piece of masking tape on you.. can be any length and pasted anywhere on your body.. if you make one mistake and get a strip, your name is now 1 strip and so on..

don't think you can make so many mistakes right cos i mean it's just three diff sentences.. BUT i made 5 lahhh.. it started cos i was thinking that the game was boring then just aiya anyhow play.. so from 1 strip turn to 2 to 3 then finally 5.. the biggest loser lah hahah but it was fun lah and that's how our group name came about.. MUMMIES!!

then let's see.. 2nd day we had external activities.. even though our group didn't win much i think i had a lot of fun doing dumb things and letting pple laugh at me.the best part was getting wet lah although i wasnt really soaking wet. hhaha only my butt cos had to seat on the table to protect our ping pong ball. then everybody so wet walking to the bus stop and squeezing onto the same bus.. we stank up the whole bus lah.. hahah seriously..when on the way to have dinner, first time i talked to shaun.. hahah then he keep disturbing me cos i very high pitch and talk very fast.. very lame lor.. keep wanting me to rap cos i talk very fast.. he and clement gang up lor.. then make ABBY laugh like crap can... her whole face turned red, like gonna start crying..

OHHH and my bunk mate said that i grind my teeth on the first night but a lot of pple don't believe so ABBY came to sleep beside me and i told her to record the sound cos i never hear before myself cos it's a subconscious thing.. but the next day when i woke up she said it was like the sound of phone vibrating.. hahahah and she got scared.. cos it's like as though the bear preparing to eat you up. then the whole group keep making a joke out of it. hahah say what stuff twisties in my mouth, bite onto blanket.. hahah alot lah.. cannot even remember.

then also 3rd day we had free time for games in our camp grounds.. i didn't want to perspire so i played board games! i played 'the big TABOO' with dawn, jasmine and... er i forgot the last one.. oh no i was just talking to her before she went home... anyway me and dawn was a team and jasmine and the other girl was another team.. me and dawn SUCKED.. hahah we lost real bad.. but we had alot of fun from that game.. laugh until cannot play already...

ok im gonna end here for now cos im tired from typing.. hhah plus i got not much photos to upload..

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