Friday, June 06, 2008

i should have woke up at 7 but me, being such a tired and lazy pig woke up at 9 instead.. and i should be packing my bag but im here blogging instead.. let me think through my pack list first then

pack list for 2 days, 1 night
bring 2 shirts plus 1 im wearing
2 shorts plus one wearing
soap & shampoo & face wash
contact lens solution and cover
hair curler, nail clipper, nail buffer

did i miss out anything??? ok no. at least i dont think so

yesterday was a loooong day.. had my test at 9.. was freaking scared before the test cos i only slept 1 1/2 hours then i woke up to study all the way till seating for my paper.. damn tired then lah and my whole mind was blank then during the 10mins reading time.. open up the paper and WOAH the case study damn long lah.. and i got freaked out... but at least case study can at least anyhow crap a bit lah. ANYWAY IT OVER. haha

then i met nicole to go SHOPPING!
BUT i didnt buy any clothes cos nothing nice to buy.. actually got lah but it was like $110?! for a top in guess. for a stupid piece of cloth ok.. that top was more ex then this white pants i guess.. so weird..

im being forced to go work at GRAND HYATT on monday....
I DON'T WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really dont like that place..
plus i'll have to portion the food which i haven't done in a million years.
im scared

anyway i should go off now cos meeting zi xiang to go get prizes for talentnight
dragging along my bag.. how sad. hahah see you guys in 2 days time!

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