Tuesday, June 10, 2008


seriously... im like totally not fated with it. i actually decided upon which laptop to get but now my mummy say not enough money... and it's like we just had a lot of conflict just now... mostly cos im not happy with the fact that we have not enough money..

not enough money for me to satisfy my cravings for food

not enough money for a new pair of shoes

not enough money for a laptop

no money in my piggy bank

probably not gonna have enough to go out and play for this holiday

the worst part is i cant even work part time cos now not much jobs available..

i really hate this feeling. cos in reality when you dont have money, there is nothing you can do..

but for now.. im gonna trust in you.. trust that you will provide for my needs

and i think you have already done so by sending me for a camp for the next 4 days so that i wouldnt be troubled by money problems..

lord, i know mainly it's my fault because i dont have good managing skills over my finances and falling into the temptations of my cravings something that is not even as real as you.. just help me in this area.. the area i am the weakest in. i just place all my needs in your hands because i really really do not know how to fufil them and i know you will provide whatever i need AMEN

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