Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today was a torturous day.
Started at 9 am till 3am?

First was a VIP lunch for a chinese state councilor. IT WAS CRAPPY. There was this new sales manager. I think he's from china so i thought he was with the guests. Then obviously if he's with the guest i would just listen to him what right. So what happened was that we were already rushing with the preparation of the room then he came along and asked us to change the menu thrice. It was annoying me i guess cos it was only my table that had menus.

Then the SERIOUSLY PISSING ME OFF PART came during service. I felt damn offended. A point to note ah, I still thought he was with the guests. So during service, he was like telling me to stay at the table and not let anyone near the table. When I went to get things for the guest, he repeated it to me in the more irritated tone, which made me feel damn useless. Following that, he just told me what to do. What happened was that he wanted me to serve a soup to this lady. i went to the right side of the lady wanting to serve her the soup but she was talking to another guest. I was hesitating whether to serve or not then he kept giving me small pushes and kept pointing me to serve it to her. So i followed his cue to serve, however finding myself pulled to one side after that to be said that what i did was rude and it was wrong to turn the food that the guest didn't want to another guest. I was like WTHHHH. But i kept my mouth shut cos i kept thinking i was wrong. The whole dinner i was just damn not confident of myself. My manager asked me to get mineral water in a glass and after i came back with it she was like ' HUH what are you talking about? What mineral bottle? I never ask you to take what.' doing it was damn pek chek lah.

Then after that long torturous lunch was over, as i was walking along the corridor, a guest was about to enter the room that was suppose to have a tea ceremony. As the room was not ready, i walked up to the guest to see how i could assist him. Turns out that he wanted the tea ceremony to start earlier. IT WAS ANOTHER 'OMG HOW HOW HOW' THING FOR ME. Cos we weren't briefed about the tea ceremony and no one was assigned to handle it, i was like crap lahhh. Then i was pushed to help with it. I have no clue on how to do tea ceremony. luckily other people who knew came to help. The bride and the groom were both young and pretty/good-looking. The bride's maids were ALL so pretty also. Heard that they are rich Indonesians, no wonder all their dresses were so nice. Also i think some of them are Indonesian mixed ang moh, SUPER PRETTY I TELL YOU. Then came the wedding dinner at night. The amazing part was the band. It was the first wedding dinner that had super young and hip songs played throughout the dinner. LOVED IT WHEN IT PLAY LOVE STORY. The singers were all FANTASTIC TO THE MAX. And after the dinner, random people came to the stage to sing and it lasted for like another hour or more? From young to old, all the indonesians sing SO SO SO well:)

I can't exactly remember why was it torturous cos I've left this post hanging for so long before getting my lazy self to finish it up. OOPS.

Thursday, April 23, 2009



NEED TO WATCH A MOVIE BADLY. Haven't watched one in a LOOONG time. Online ones don't count! hahha

Aftermath of SSM was a bruise on my shoulder. Nope it wasn't cramped up but a bruise. Im like the only one lah. Everyone else like strained, cramp but no bruise. Was red in the morning then actually felt it the last night when i was about to sleep. The stupid pillow was grazing my bruise or what was ABOUT to become a bruise. I don't get it. HOW THE HELL DID I GET IT? stood up too fast? 'Bounced'? Oh and funnily my left thigh feels cramped up the whole day. Going up staircases was a chore.

Although I had worked for longer hours than ssm boot camp, it is really pretty tough. I was DAMN tired the whole day. Couldn't stay WIDE awake for marketing, took a 1 hour nap in school and came back to my aunt's house taking another 1/2 an hour nap. SSM pretty much drained me.

OH MY how am i gonna survive this week?
FULL DAY sat at hotel, church, tampines library till 9 then school starting proper. OH NOOOO please don't screw up this sem grace. NONO.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today was a day with ALOT of mixed feelings.

It started with me feeling REALLY REALLY REALLY nervous and messed up in the head. I woke up early for SSM, prepared my stuff and got ready to leave the house then I realised that I was late in meeting my friend so I just rushed out of the house. In the midst of the big rush, everything that i needed to do became even more messy in my head. I didn't know what the hell I was thinking anymore. So as i walked to school to meet ZW, I realised the SUPER SMART ME brought a change of shirt to change out, BUT I FORGOT TO BRING SHORTS. And FYI, SSM PANTS ARE UGLY. So I just complained and complained. Met MY & N and we went to finalise grooming and uniform. I was more or less done, just had to finish my make up. Then helped them with their hair and make up. GUESS WHAT TIME WE FINISHED? From 7.10 - 7.45.

NEXT, once we entered TCA, it was a whole new feeling. I FELT LOST. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON. I was like errrrrrrrrrrrrrr WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO GO???? After a while we realised OH OK the lockers. Then on entering the lockers, it was this TENSE atmosphere. Everyone was rushing then OH WAIT WHAT DO WE HAVE TO BRING? so unlock the lockers again. By the time we reached Top Table, it was like 7.55? OMG MR GOH WAS DAMN SCARY. He was shouting like officer like that. Then when you walk in you really have no idea what to do. Ms Mark told us what to do but with Mr Goh shouting in the background, it definitely felt like you were late. Ended up being sooo nervous. It felt worse than sitting for O's. But after a while he talks about expectations, blah blah blah then got down to touring TCA. It was more relax then, really like class. SUPER ALOT OF NOTES TO TAKE DOWN. It was good lah but felt like too much info in 1day. OHWELLS. When he teaches, you can see a totally different side of him. He really wants to pass the experience and knowledge to you. But he's still scary. IM PRETTY GLAD I HAVE HIM AS A TUTOR:)


We were given a super late lunch. Only at 1.20, for 30mins. But I was so busy trying to take down info and remember it that I wasn't feeling that hungry despite missing my breakfast. After lunch, THE FUN PART CAME. Round trays and oval trays.

I guess it was a blessing in disguise. Only up till this part then I realise. I remembered how i ever thought that it would be great to be able to learn EVERYTHING about a restaurant before working there and how I had problems with tray especially OVAL ones but i never knew how to tackle it.

Today THIS was exactly what i wanted. IM GIVEN THIS OPPORTUNITY. The tutors were really patient with of the dropping of numerous bottles and also the weak minds of ours. Im pretty sure we all are able to handle the tray and the weight. Really up to our will and our mindset. I decided that this was the only time I could ever perfect my oval tray "skills" and i just followed instructions. I CAN!!!!

WATCH THIS. Don't you dare say i can only do service! BECAUSE IM TRYING MY DAMN BEST TO DO WHAT YOU GUYS DO ALSO. Not only the weak VIP server ok! :):):):)

Mr Goh was really nice during the tray carrying session. I KINDA LOVE HIM NOW.
OH YEA PLUS HE DOESN'T EVEN USE VULGARITIES. I want to be like him. Strong discipline and all.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

I just don't know how to read you.

This doesn't just refer to one person. I was pretty upset these few days. Mainly because of the library job? I mean im Totally fine with being by myself. But due to the long hours that i have to tahan for the job, i keep wanting company. And I couldn't get any from any of my friends and I realised how alone I felt. I hate this feeling. It sucks even more when you see people in pairs EVERYWHERE.

I just kinda realise I really expect alot from friends. How could you have said that you were stuck with us. I know all of us have drifted. Im really trying my best, my very best. Sometimes I just feel like all these is not worth it. I'll probably end up all alone anyway. We were once close in primary school, then drifted apart and again friends for 2 years. You know how hard is it for me to keep the friendship going and all you could say was that you were stuck with us. Did you ever try.

Why am I always the stupid idiot that puts in so much effort and no one has ever did that for me before?

I'll always be faced with the same old scars.
Rejections from friends, the fake friendship and even a harmless one sided love.

I only have HIM. HE who knows how badly I want to burst out crying.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


OMG EH IM SO SORRY. To prove how sorry I am I dedicated one whole post to you! HAPPY? HAHAHA sorry. Really. Cos i read your message when I was half awake and half asleep. So when I got up, I was already rushing, gonna be late for work. THEN I forgot all about your message. SORRY DEAR.

OK now update about my hols. Well pretty much good. Basically full of work lah. HAHAH what else is new for the workaholic lah. BUT DIDN'T GET MUCH MONEY. So didn't buy much stuff:( WANNA GO GET TANG YUAN BEFORE MY SCHOOL STARTS? hahah eh you are sec4 now is it? Sorry im OLD, I cannot catch up with current times. HAHAH suddenly I feel like going to bonnie's (sis?) shop? You know which one im referring to right??



Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm kinda falling in love with my library job. OKOK i know. HELL it's library, how fun can it be?

DAMN FUN. Although i have to work by myself, i've met many interesting people. Had weird, cool, funny and coincidentally connected "friends". I love working at bugis library. Got many cool people there. Realised i know more cool guys than girls. They are all working adults. Don't worry. HAHAH not gonna talk about cute guys. DON'T HAVE:( OH WELLS.


but i can't. DAMN.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Fine i'll update. Wanted to update a few days back but internet was down.

Anyway, recently i found quite a few korean songs that is about first love. It just got me thinking. It was really true. I could relate to the songs.


HONEY HONEY HONEY especially this.

I guess all first loves are all the same.
"She is a nice girl" Would you have said the same thing for me?


It's so good to fall in love. It naturally keeps you HAPPY.

OH YOU KNOW WHAT. I SAW A REAL LIFE DAO MIN SI/GOO JUN PYO. DAMN HANDSOME. Sadly i wasn't serving him:( Super like prince charming. HEH HEH.

Kind of realised that Singapore isn't really lacking of good looking guys. HAHAH cos recently when i go out i'll always see quite a number of them. Even when i went to service my mio box. HAHA one of them looked really familar. Don't know if i actually know him. We kept exchanging glances, he had the AC look though.


On another note, i haven't caught CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC:(:(:( I HAVE HAVE HAVE to catch it before it stops showing.