Sunday, August 17, 2008

work work

finally went to work like after dunno how long. too many things have changed. mainly people. banquet now is becoming more and more important. and i was pushed to do the chariman's table. which i didnt think i was up to. the chairman is very scary!!!!!!!! actually all serious business man and important people are. cos they socialise ALOT then when we, lowly servents, have to do all the menial things like clearing plates, which end up having to interrupt their very important conversations.

hate to do for these kind of events and kena the table that is all businessmen. it's nerve-rattling cos they can be happy at one moment then just because you wrong timing then very irritated with you. STRESSSSSS.

but prof Tommy Koh is one NICE man. i've only heard his name before and what a powerful person he was from my history teacher and it's no suprise. he is a man of character. no wonder he can go so far. probably the most polite person and full of just goodness in him. very cute. hahha cos he was the only person on the table to actually applause after the band played finish their piece. and it was sincere. could tell. and he talked to me. hahah im so honored. plus i think the sweetest part was when i saw him and his wife walking down the stairs going home. they were holding hands ok. SUCH A NICE GUY.

on the whole, i think yesterday was a pretty good day considering that the worst case senerio did not occur.

i pretty much improve a great lot on my 'public speaking' i guess. haha IM HAPPY :):):)

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