Monday, August 04, 2008


im being stupid now. sitting at the sports complex at THIS time(7pm) when i can actually be at home now.

the reason?

cos i want to go to my aunt's house instead and stay over.

IM LIKE DAMN DEPRIVED OF TV. there is absolutely nothing for me to do at home. at least at my aunt's house i can watch tv. i totally feel like im rotting at home.

actually tv is good in some ways lor.

i dont read the newspaper, so i can watch the news on TV and get updated on what is going on around the world.

it gives your family something to talk about, somewhere to gather.

ERM........ ok that's all i can think about.

i feel like im such a 2 faced bitch sometime. OK RANDOM.

anyway... MEL. just read your xanga. i feel so super lost contact with you lah. im very very upset now. we haven't go out together for such a long time. HAVEN'T HAD MEANINGLESS TALKS THAT GOT MEANING FOR SUCH A LONG TIME.


poly and all schools are out to ruin friendships i tell you. THEY ARE IN CAHOOTS.

PETER don't you miss my rambling?! HAHAHAH havent catch up with you for SO SO long too. even longer than mel. STUPID BUSY BIG SHOT. cannot even go to your house and bake somemore. I WANT TO BAKE COOKIES LAH. and bathe your doggies. hahha

i feel quite empty now. just wondering why is my life feeling so meaningless.

cos im not close to GOD now? cos i don't spend my time on him?

ok i will. i will try to and hopefully see a turn.

exams are coming up in like 2 and a half weeks. im pretty worried i'll screw up this time.

COS IM GOD'S SMART LITTLE PRINCESS. im sure i'll do well if i put in my best effort and when GOD IS WITH ME.

I CAN DO THIS MAN! ohh of course to EVERYONE ELSE cos we're ALL God's little children.

:) SMILE. because he is.

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