Friday, August 15, 2008

post bbq with collegues

bbq wasnt like how i expected to be. i was like the guai-er ones. cos the rest smokes and drinks. YEA there were drinks. luckily i could escape it with excuse like UNDERAGE. they damn scary can. bring brandy, whiskey and vodka. if im not underage confirm force me to drink one lor.

so many things changed since the last time i've worked. now im really scared for sat. heard that for every little mistake they'll pick on you and DEMOTE you. WTH lah.

DEMOTE DEMOTE LAH. scared what scared. HUH! im sure i'll find another work place that values me more. HAHAHA

dunno lah. then today after meeting my collegue that i havent seen for like a really long time, i found out that she got together with this other collegue and broke up like after 4 months. and he was there at the bbq too. i didn't know what to say to comfort her lah.. just hear her speak lor. then she got drunk. and it was like damn out of control.

it was damn sad to see her in that state. it was so sad.
she was drunk when talking crap to my other friend then suddenly from the corner of her eye she was staring at the guy playing with this other girl and stopped talking immediately. after i found out the reason why she stopped talking, i quickly prompted to continue with her conversation. cos she doesn't want other people to know. and just quickly advised her to sit with her back facing the guy.

everyone seems to be moving along so quickly in life. what about me?
im still stuck in the same spot.

always so easily forgotten by people. i really wonder why sometimes.

was just reflected upon the journey home.
is my attitude really that bad? how am i as a person? why is it that i always get the feeling like people don't want to talk to me?



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