Monday, February 08, 2010

ON A HAPPIER NOTE. I GOT AN A FOR FEM PROJECT. so afterall i dont suck. HEH. It lifts SUCH a big weight off my shoulders.

Recently started working at a restaurant near plaza sing. The row of restaurants beside plaza sing? The last one. A steamboat restaurant. I like the working environment. Not bad. Definitely different from banquet. It's very slack now cos it only started like a month ago and BARELY anyone knows about the restaurant. so hardly anyone comes in to eat. But it's great for me to learn on the job.


School's less busy now that all project related shit is all over. But i have to work like MAD. Gotta earn enough for my school fees, if can my sis's school fees, my sis's laptop? OH WELLS:(

I realised i cleanly forgot about Peter's b'day. I FELT SO BAD. So i called him like the moment i realised it. So need to catch up with him. Since i started relying on the other person whom i forgot about, we kind of drifted apart. Especially like him and dawn. HAHAH. Right after that hit my mind, i realised his bday is coming soon. 15 feb. OHWELLS what matters now?

I met Giant on the bus after work onnnnn sunday i think. And he kept bugging me about what happened btw us. It doesnt hurt so much now talking about it. But somehow this little feeling of regret bugs me. Maybe i should have never said yes to start everything and maybe i should not have suggested to end it, believing that you would take it as a wake up call to try to fix things. Life getting better without all these complicated crap in it.

OHOHOH you know this CNY i wont be going to bai nian:( I CAN'T DRESS NICE NICE. MY MAXI DRESS:( but nvm. IM GONNA EARN ALOT OF MONEY THAT DAY. Plus the ang pao money i believe my relatives will give to my mum. AWESOMENESS $$$$$ :)

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