Sunday, January 17, 2010

I figured i shall start blogging again. As an outlet for my mind. So it probably figures that many things has been happening leading me back here once again.

SCHOOL has been stressful enough. Not having enough peacful sleep,taking a whole hour to wake up for school, burning midnight oil for the millionth time and disagreements. It has totally got my life revolving it. I can't work, i can't go out with friends, i can't sleep. WOW. Though school has occupied my mind almost all the time, when i take a break and have my mind away from school. It goes to 1 person.

This, i promise, is the last time i'll ever type/talk about it.
And i'll never remember you again. NEVER.

Maybe we did get into it too fast, but initially you were different. But as time went by, you started changing? I didn't feel secure at all. And that means alot to me. which was why i thought about ending it. I didn't like how insecure i was feeling. I felt it almost everyday. You know how tiring that is? And when i was the one putting in all the effort. Things that you said, slowly felt like empty promises, words that you never meant from the start. Suddenly, i felt like this 2 months plus was a prank you played on me. Bringing it up to you, took great courage from me. I was afraid of the answer that lied behind. I didn't know what that was. But i still said what i wanted to say, hoping that things could have a better turn.

But you didn't even bother asking why do i want a break up or what happened. you just agreeed. which made me feel totally dissapointed. I felt like i wasted my time and feelings with you. We should stay as friends? Bullshit. When we were together, there was no effort on your part. What makes you think that after we break up you will take effort to stay as friends. I would never put in anymore effort. It was just not worth it. That whole period was a lie. I want and will erase that from my mind.

on a happy note, at least i was smart to dump him first before i take more of his crap.

IM SINGLE:) and i will meet a better guy. It's your loss, not mine.

eat good food
and i cant remember the rest

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